Saturday, April 30, 2011

Keeping Organized!

Sometimes it can be exhausting dotting all of the i's and crossing all the t's. Especially when it comes to your reception. Here is a list of items at you won't want to forget for the reception.

Place Cards

Printed Napkins

Guest Book and pen

Champagne Goblets

Cake Topper

Cake Server Set

Table Covers


Wedding Favors

Wedding Cameras

It would be a good idea to buy a large clear storage container. When you purchase one of these items place it in the container. That way you won't have to search everywhere for all the items on the list. And the because it is clear you will be able to take inventory with just a glance.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Kate Middleton

I'm I the only one who feels a bit bad for Kate Middleton. Yes, she is marrying a prince and yes she will be a queen in waiting and she gets to have one of the biggest and most beautiful weddings of all time.

But, with all of this comes a big price if you ask me. The world is watching her, waiting for her to make a mistake. Here are my reasons for feeling this way:

1. When she walks down the aisle everyone is going to judge what she is wearing.
2. She gets to have an intimate wedding of 2500
3. The world will be watching her every move. What if the poor girl trips?
4. She seems to be dieting even though she is a size 2. Who made her think she needs to do that?
5. She will be the followed by paparazzi, made fun of and gossiped about.
6. People think they see her face on their food.

I guess all of this is the price you pay to marry Prince Charming.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hey, It's Okay...

Glamour magazine does this every month and I decided to borrow the idea, but put a wedding spin on it.

So, hey, it's okay...

To not want to wear wedding rings. Go with tattoos.

To not sit all of the Bride's family on one side and the Groom's on the other. Mix it up... go crazy.

To have the same amount of attendants on each side. Then you feel like your being force to find someone to fill a spot. No one will care if it is 5 to 3. Just have the additional people dance with their spouse or date at the reception.

If you didn't lose 100 pounds. I'm sure you didn't need to and your finance loves you the way you are!

To go cheap. It isn't worth going broke to pay for your wedding. Use a budget and find some money saving ideas to help with the cost.

Not to toss your bouquet. You are the one who picked it out and paid for it. Get a toss bouquet or even make one with bows. Or just skip it all together. Your single friends may even thank you for not parading them around.

Not have just your dad walk you down the aisle. You could have both parents, or a brother or no one at all. It's your call!

To skip the big wedding and go to Vegas!

Friday, April 15, 2011

White, Pink, Blue... You Choose

The days of only wearing a white wedding dress are over. The standard for a first wedding is that the bride wear white. If it is a second wedding they wear off white or cream. But, why? Is there a rule on this?

I was married in 1999. I wore a traditional white gown. It was very pretty. The marriage ended and I've thought, if I were to get married again what would I wear? For me, having been married once and having had the big wedding I wouldn't wear white. I would choose a light pink or blue. But, I know someone who is getting married soon and it will be her second wedding and she is choosing to wear white. She did not have a dress at all for the first wedding. I know another person who chose to wear pink on their wedding day, and it was in fact her first wedding. So there is not a rule, the wedding fashion police did not knock on either of theses women's doors.

And quite frankly, if I do walk down the ailse again I will wear something like this:

 But in softer colors.

Oh and I want to be married by a pirate sea captain.... Just saying....

Wedding-related costs to keep in mind when planning a wedding on a budget.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Brooch Bouquet

This is truly stunning!

And what an awesome idea.

When I got married in 1999, I had a terrible florist. I was young and was told by two smaller florist shops that they would not take on my wedding because it was on Mother's Day weekend. Instead of looking around more, I found the first florist who would do my flowers on this much celebrated holiday weekend. Somehow, I got talked into a very boring bouquet. It was so boring I didn't even bother to use my "toss bouquet". I just tossed it and never thought of it again.

This would be different for sure. I would want to display this bouquet for the rest of my life. It is so beautiful. I want one and I have no need for a $350 floral arraignment. This and many more beautiful creations can be found on Etsy here.

Wedding-related costs to keep in mind when planning a wedding budget.