Friday, August 19, 2011

Wedding Money Savers!

Money saving tips for your wedding day! 

Use regular card size invitations and don't stuff them with tissue and tons of paper. This will help your postage costs!

Order a smaller decorated wedding cake for display while using frosted sheet cakes for wedding guests.

Consider having an afternoon wedding.  Alcoholic beverage consumption will be significantly less during an afternoon event versus an evening wedding reception.

Avoid high demand flower seasons and holidays like Mother's Day, Valentines Day, etc.

Select "in season" floral items rather than exotics flowers.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Need Bridesmaid Help?

Here is a really cool site for bridesmaids.

Tons of pictures and tools to help the bride and her attendants on this journey together. There are pics, help picking dresses, shower and bachelorette party ideas and all things bridesmaid. Check it out!

Oh and I love the name of the blog: Bridesmaiding - Help for damsels in this dress

Monday, August 15, 2011

Suprise? Suprise!

This is the sweetest picture of a bride and groom before the wedding. They didn't want to see each other before the ceremony, but still managed to get a picture together. So what is your preference? Do you want to see each other before the ceremony or wait?

Some couples like to take photos before the ceremony, so they will see each other. Some say that it takes the pressure off and they get to have a very special moment to themselves. Others like the tradition of not seeing the bride until she reaches the alter.

Which ever way you choose, know that you can get a fabulous picture without even seeing each other.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Bridal Shows

We've all seen the advertisements for the biggest and best bridal show of the century. But, are these shows really worth going to? and here are a few tips to get you through one.

  • This is a great chance to see it, touch it, feel it. Sometimes it is hard to know what you are getting into when you shop online.
  • Take pre-printed address labels. Most of the vendors will have drawings.
  • Take a friend or family member, you will need the moral support. Think of that many bridezillas in one room.
  • Chat with vendors and get information. It can save you tons of time later when ordering and budgeting. Chatting with the vendor could save you from having to deal with someone who you just get a bad vibe from.
  • Check out the latest trends and color choices.
  • Think you will just run in and out. You won't, these things are always super busy and crowded.
  • Forget that these are sales people. Their paycheck is based on how much business they can get. They will be calling you after you put your information into the drawing. 
  • Think you have to stop at every booth. If you already have a florist... then for sure skip those. 
  • Forget that the fashion show is put on by a vendor... this is only one persons choices. There are tons more dresses out there.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Guest filling out Thank you cards. Yay or nay?

We all know that thank you cards are a must when it comes to shower and wedding gifts. But, I have run across a few wedding showers that have the guests fill out the envelope with their address and give them to the bride so she can fill them with a thank you card.

Yay or Nay? would you do this at your bridal shower?

My answer is a big fat NAY! You expect your guests to go to the store pick out a present that you registered for, buy a card and gift wrap on top of that, wrap the gift, drive to and attend your shower which of course will be on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, and you can't even write their name on the envelope yourself... Seriously....

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Open bar... Cash bar... No bar....

Serving drinks at your reception can be a very costly part of your reception expenses.  Most couples when planning their wedding think of the different options.

Open bar - guest can order what they want when they want. This is paid for with the venue at the end of the night. When planning your menu, most venues will let you decide which grade of alcohol you would like to provide for your guest. This is when you can decide if they are going to get top shelf or a small selection of less expensive alcohols.

Cash bar - This is when the guest pay for their own alcoholic beverages. Usually the water, soda and coffee come with the per plate cost of the meal.

No bar - also known as a dry wedding. Again, water, soda and coffee are usually served.

Lastly, I really like the idea of having a modified open bar. This would include soda, coffee, beer on tap, wine and then a signature cocktail that the bride and groom choose. Great way to still give your guests a treat but keeping your budget in check.